Latest News
Welcome to our news page. This page is updated regularly with items that we feel the need to shout about. This may be about projects we have completed or industry or product news. If you need more information on any of the items featured, please Contact Us.
Logistics Manager
We are looking to recruit a Logistics Manager to manage the day to day running of all warehouse movements, purchasing and logistics. Key duties will include: Duties Manage all warehouse and mobile stock movements, including goods in / goods out, both warehouse and...
Experienced Field Engineer
Rapier Systems - one of the UK’s leading network infrastructure solution providers are looking for experienced engineers to join our team in Scotland. Successful candidates can look forward to working within an environment that...
Rapier Systems become UKWISPA member
We are thrilled to announce our recent membership of the United Kingdom Wireless Internet Service Provider Association (UKWISPA). The organisation was set-up to help provide members a voice at the table of UK telecommunications policy makers and regulators and to...
Vacancy – Senior Wireless Engineer, Scotland.
Rapier Systems are looking for an experienced Senior Installation / Commissioning Engineer(s) to join their expanding team in Scotland. Role – Senior Field Engineer(s) – Installing / Maintaining Wireless Networks Base – Principal Scottish Office (Dunfermline)...
Perth City Wi-Fi announced in The Courier
Whilst we were attending the BID Scotland Annual gathering in Perth City Centre, The Courier had a story on the provision of the soon to be installed Perth City Centre WiFi project. Read the Full Article Here.
BID’s Scotland Annual gathering
Our team will be at the #BIDSgathering in Perth on the 28th March. We will be joined on the day by our friends Purple and Ruckus Wireless Inc. We hope you'll drop by our stand for a chat about town / city Smart #WiFi or listen to Bill Harvey from Kirkcaldy4All...
Angus Council Plans for Rural Schools Connectivity
Angus Council to deliver innovative connectivity in area's hard to reach with conventional Fibre. More from us on this story in the coming weeks and months. Read the full article here.
Rapier Delivers State-of-the-art WiFi to Inverness City Centre
Rapier Systems working in partnership with The Highland Council delivers high-speed public WiFi service coupled with cutting-edge data analytics to help drive business and tourism in the Highland capital. Read the full press release here
We provide FREE Wi-Fi for Perth Winter Festival
If you find yourself in Perth this weekend for the Winter Festival 2016, be sure to try out the FREE Wi-Fi in and around the Tay Street / Main Stage area. Our partnership with Perth's City Centre Team is bringing the service to visitors all weekend. We are sure...
We are exhibiting at the Annual Scotland’s Towns Conference
We are thrilled to be attending and exhibiting at next weeks Scotland's Towns Conference, which is being held on the 9th November in Kirkcaldy's impressive Adam Smith Theatre & Art Gallery. We are especially looking forward to hearing from Kirkcaldy4All's Bill...