Latest offers
Welcome to our offers page. This section of our website is updated regularly with our latest product or service offers. Please check this page regularly for our latest and best deals. If you need further information about any of our deals, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.
Unbeatable Siklu Ultrafast Wireless Offer
“Need more bandwidth between your sites? You are not alone and until June 2017 we have amazing offers on best in class up to 5Gbps – yes 5Gbps Ultra-Fast Wireless Connectivity from Siklu. Rapier Systems are Scotland’s only Siklu Gold Partner and we can bring you these...
Out with the Old, In with the New – extended until April 28, 2017!
Ruckus Wireless Trade-up Program extended until 28th April 2017. Trade in your old Ruckus Wireless Access Points / Controllers or any other manufacturer AP's / Controllers for additional discounts on replacement hardware. For more information contact us.
Aviat / Harris Stratex & Alvarion Spares Available
Due to a large customer upgrade, we at Rapier Systems have an abundance of Harris Stratex / Aviat Licensed Microwave & Alvarion spares from 13Ghz to 38Ghz all in the Eclipse 300 range. HP / SP ODU's, IDU300/ES & GE20's all with capacity licenses & X-PIC...
New Ruckus Promotion
The Ruckus Wireless 10 Pack promotion is back for Q2! Get 50% off RRP when you purchase 10 * R500 internal Access Points. Model: R500 MSRP: £4,777.80 (For 10 * R500 APs) Deal Price: £2,388.90 Terms & Conditions:...
Upgrade your network with the PTP 450i
One of our close partners, Cambium Networks are currently running a promotion, giving you the chance to trade in and trade up your existing point to point links to the PTP450i Offer begins November 2, 2015, and ends March 20, 2016. Eligible products for this...
New Ruckus Q4 Promotions
Our Wi-Fi Partner, Ruckus Wireless has the following 3 offers available for Quarter 4 (October - December 2015) with huge discounts on Access Points, Controllers & licenses. See below for the details.. Offer 1: Back by popular demand! The Ruckus Education...